Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Getting Gorgeous Skin From The Inside, Part 2

Good morning, beauties! To pick up where I left off yesterday, I wanted to go a little further into the discussion of the importance of vitamins & minerals and the skin benefits that they provide! Today, I'm going to dive into the "How much do I need?" and the "Where can I get them?", as well as a little extra side information. Please keep in mind that this info is just a guide. It cannot be used to treat or diagnose. If you have any questions regarding your health, please be sure to see your physician!

Vitamin C
  • How much do I need? - approximately 60 mg

  • Where can I get it? - Citrus fruits (lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit), papaya, broccoli, brussel sprouts, strawberries, cauliflower, spinach, and cantaloupe

  • Signs of too little? - Anemia, sore gums, joint pain, nose bleeds, nausea.

  • Signs of too much? - Nausea, diarrhea, and cramps. Extremely high doses can interfere with white blood cells ability to kill bacteria. High doses can cause scurvy (condition characterized by general weakness, anemia , gum disease (gingivitis), and skin hemorrhages ).

Vitamin E

  • How much do I need? - approximately 15 mg

  • Where can I get it? -Vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fortified cereals, egg yolk, olives, and sunflower seeds

  • Signs of too little? - Anemia, swelling

  • Signs of too much? - Fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea, and skin disorders

Vitamin A

  • How much do I need? - approximately 4000 I.U.

  • Where can I get it? - Carrots, broccoli, squash, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes, fortified milk, butter, cheese, eggs, and liver

  • Signs of too little? - Night blindness, diarrhea, abnormalities of skin and bone development

  • Signs of too much? - Joint pain, skin rashes, severe headaches, constipation. Can stop menstruation

Vitamin K

  • How much do I need? - approximately 60-80 mcg

  • Where can I get it? - Leafy, green vegetables, cauliflower, cabbage, and soybeans

  • Signs of too little? - Increases likelihood of bruising and bleeding

  • Signs of too much? - Can interfere with some anti-clotting medications. Can cause liver problems


  • How much do I need? - approximately 55 mcg

  • Where can I get it? - Beef, poultry (especially organ meats), brown rice, and whole grains

  • Signs of too little? - Muscle weakness, and fatigue

  • Signs of too much? - Fatigue, skin sores, hair loss, dizziness, nausea, and anxiety.


  • How much do I need? - 2 mg

  • Where can I get it? - Shellfish, nuts, seeds, liver, kidneys, and legumes

  • Signs of too little? - May cause high blood pressure, fatigue, diabetes, anemia, fragile bones, and can increase the risk of heart attack.

  • Signs of too much? - Stomachache, nausea, muscle pain


  • How much do I need? - approximately 12-15 mg

  • Where can I get it? - Beef, pork, poultry, seafood, grains, and bran

What about B-complex?

B-Complex actually refers to a collection of 8 B vitamins: thiamin(B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamine (B12), folic acid (B9) , pantothenic acid (B5) and biotin. Each of these perform individually and each have their own purpose within the body. Check out this website for some really good information regarding B-complex: www.acu-cell.com/bx.html

Now, if your head is spinning as much as mine was when I was going through all of this information, you can do as I do - try to eat a well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water, take a multi-vitamin, and call it a day! I just like knowing that I am a little more informed of the importance of what I put in my body!

Till next time, XOXO!!

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